Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Towards Self-Improvements

I had my share of screw-ups. I screwed-up my health, i ballooned up from 65kg range to a gargatuan 95kg range. Screwed up financially by over-spending.

Never mind all of that. The most important for me is to pick up after the dirty laundry and start afresh.

1.) Joined fitness centre and stick to the routine. At least 3 times a week. Love the group exercise. Exercising alone is not my thing. I love the competitiveness and the constant encouragement and yelling from the instructor. Right now i am yo-yoing at 84-85kg. Hope can reduce even more down.

2.) After getting rid of all the spiderwebs, gonna be on track financially and commit to a better savings and retirement savings.  ( for those of you who are not aware of it, savings and retirements savings are different. )

3.) Be a better person. Treat my friends better, treat my family better. Treat my lover better. All start by treating myself better.

I have great sources of inspirations all around me. My mum for her strong-will, my sister for her perseverance, my baby for passion and determination.

I am on a good path. :)

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